Friday, April 5, 2013

In my daughter's footsteps

How strange is life as I undertake the journey
That my baby daughter travelled yesterday
Stricken thrice, rising again with Allaah's Mercy
Here she stands by my side tall and pretty
By Allaah's Grace, not just a survivor
But a mighty conqueror.

How strange is life as I live her journey
Experience now what she could not explain then
Understand now what I could only see then
Here she stands holding firm my hand
Just as I did hers as she lay as I do now
Hope eternal, Allaah's Blessing.


  1. Allah says, "Indeed with difficulty comes ease"
    May Allah bless you and your family always. and may he never leave you and us alone for even a glimpse of an eye. and bless you with good health. Aameen
    Fi amaanillah


    1. Thank you for your kind words and prayers Shakir. Allaah is indeed Most Merciful and Gracious. May Allaah Bless you and family.


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