Sunday, March 10, 2013

Herewith I begin ...

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِِ

For several years, people have been telling me I should start my own blog. I considered it sometimes, but felt that there really was no point in blogging on every subjects of interest; after all who would be interested in my opinion? I am still of the same view, but am finally taking the plunge because it will help to organize my thoughts and hopefully help revive writing skills lost after my academic career. 

A final purpose is also to represent myself and my views. Why? Primarily because the more vocal segment of our current Maldivian society has a habit of misrepresenting and destroying people's good name and reputation, one of many such victims being myself. The lies fabricated by this group are blatantly untrue, and yet gain currency as they are told and retold. The record needs to be set straight, and as this blog progresses, I will attempt to do so. 

May Allaah Bless you, my readers.